As winter fades away, there are more opportunities to get out and about. Busy schedules and bad weather may have kept you from spending as much time with your aging parents as you had hoped, but now you can get back into the swing of things. Regular visits can be a great way to strengthen your relationship, create wonderful memories, and enjoy each other’s company.

As the weather warms up, it can be fun to go for a walk around their neighborhood or a local park. Being out in the sun can boost their mood, provide some much need vitamin D, and offer a gentle form of exercise. You can walk as quickly or as slowly as they are able. Take time to observe how things have changed and look for signs of new life such as buds emerging on the trees. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to chat and check in on how they’re doing.

Another idea is to visit a local farmers market. Stock up on fresh produce, herbs, plants, and other items. Your loved one can pick out which fruits and vegetables they like best and build a healthier diet. They can also add more flavor to dishes using fresh herbs they can grow themselves, or that were recently picked. They may also be more apt to try new things when they see everything that is available and have a hand in selecting what they like.

If you’re looking for a fun spring craft, try making birdfeeders together. You can buy a kit or use materials you have at home such as an old milk carton or pinecones and peanut butter. Not only will you enjoy the time spent together making them, you can then watch the birds enjoy too.

While you’re cleaning up, you can take the opportunity to start spring cleaning. Get rid of any odds and ends that may have piled up over the winter, and wipe away the coating of dust that may have accumulated. You can also slowly start getting rid of things they no longer need or use to reduce clutter.

Spring is also a fabulous time to enjoy local attractions and play with grandkids. Toss a ball back and forth, go to a spring festival or flower show, visit the park, draw with chalk, bake cookies, or spend time at a kids’ museum. The opportunities are endless, and it’s a great chance for grandkids to connect with their grandparents and make memories together.

If you’re not sure what to do together, ask what they might enjoy. Perhaps there are places they’ve wanted to visit or activities they’ve wanted to try. Explore together and have fun along the way.

If you or a loved one requires skilled nursing care but can safely transition into the assisted living setting, they can qualify for the Medi Cal assisted living waiver. Please contact Guidant Care Management at 844-494-6303 to determine if you qualify. We will work with you to ensure seniors receive the care they need to maintain as much independence as possible.